Thursday, November 11, 2010

Back to the basics.

I am happy to report, that everything is back to normal in the Darling house.
We are sleeping through the night and waking up well rested, happy people.
Let me tell you friends, this is a massive change from previous weeks.
Darling Hubby is still recovering from surgery, but is feeling progressively better with each passing day, and for that, I am quite thankful.

The truly interesting news is that Darling Hubby is off work for the next week and a half, and home with me. At first, I was a bit apprehensive about how this would change our day to day dynamics, but to be honest, I am very much enjoying our free time together.
We aren’t terribly exciting, I’m afraid, but it’s a comforting thought to know that he won’t be rushing off to work in the wee hours of the morning.

I am quickly learning that with being a military wife, one learns some very important life lessons.
What is the first lesson, you ask?
It’s fairly simple, actually.
Cherish the time you have with your spouse.

Living in the age of social media, it’s so easy to allow things like TV, the internet, or cell phones that are chirping away eat up precious time that you could be spending making real memories with your darling.
Don’t believe me?

Today, when you’re around someone, turn off the TV, step away from the computer, and silence your cell…you’ll be amazed to realize that you actually do have a life beyond them.
It’s a little disturbing to think about how much we rave about the way that tethering ourselves to so many devices allows us to be ‘instantly updated’ to what’s going on in the world.
How did we manage to forget that the most instant form of interaction is face to face, and person to person?
So, I urge you to free yourself from the restraints, if just for one day, and allow yourself to remember what it was like to have real quality time.

Till then…

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hospital Visit.

I’m sitting alone in the hospital.

Darling Hubby is in surgery.
Tonsillectomy, trimming down his uvula, and repairing a deviated septum.
All in the name of getting a full night of sleep again.
 Since Darling Hubby and I married, neither one of us has gotten our full 8 hours.
Me, because of the grizzly bear snoring radiating from Darling Hubby.
Him, because of this evil thing called sleep apnea.

To be completely honest, he and I haven’t slept at the same time for the few weeks.
No, we aren’t mad at each other or anything crazy like that.
It’s just…that with his snoring growing louder, and louder…I can’t sleep.

We’ve tried it all…
Nose strips for him. Ear plugs for me. Change of sleeping position for him. Sleeping pills for me.
And nothing, is working for us.
So, after sleepless nights, sleep studies, countless doctor’s visits…he is in surgery.

What about me, you ask?
Friends, I am exhausted.

And nervous, and scared.
Nervous, because he is in surgery.
Scared, because he is in surgery, and I have to spend tonight away from him.

Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers.

Till then…

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am oh-so obsessed with the idea of upcycling.

What is upcycling you ask?
It’s taking things that you would normally trash and turning it into something new.
That’s right folks, turning everyday trash into treasure.

My project this week involves one thing that I promise you have on hand:
Plastic bags.

I created this beauty.
Wanna make your own?

      This is what you will need:
  • A dozen or so plastic bags
  • A wire coat hanger
      This is how:
  • Shape your wire hanger into a circle.
  • Cut your plastic bags into strips.
  • Tie the strips to the wire.
                                                It’s really as simple as that!
And now, for your listening pleasure, I offer you these smashing Beatles covers by a few surprising artists.




Till Then...

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today, I have been musing on the idea of being happy in life, in love, and in general.
So often, the day to day wears down on my soul, and I forget how blessed, how loved, and how lucky I am.
I think that more than anything, I just need to be reminded.
To do this, I asked myself these questions:
  • What does it take to make me happy?
  • What makes me laugh?
  • What makes me smile?
  • What makes my soul soar?
  • What gives me the warm fuzzies?
These are the answers that I came up with...

Why, Darling Hubby is what always makes me happy!

          And silly things like this always make me laugh...
And our crazy fur-baby is always making me smile...

And knowing that I have Darling Hubby to share my life with is what makes my soul soar...
And being oh-so loved by my lovely friends, family & Darling Hubby is what gives me the warm fuzzies.

When I think about the way my life is, I can't help but be blessed.
Our home is cozy.
I am loved & happy.
I have all that I need.

Share with me the little things that make your life beautiful, loves.