Monday, October 25, 2010

Get some Southern in ya.

It was grocery day.

Darling Hubby was sitting on the couch in his jammies, watching ESPN.
I, in the bathroom getting ready.

Me: Darling, will you please get up and get dressed?

Him: Are you ready?
Me: Five minutes and I will be.
He laughs, knowing that five minutes could mean anywhere from five minutes to half an hour.
Me: Seriously, get ready.

Darling Hubby walks into the bathroom where I am busy teasing my hair into submission.

Him: Alright, Snookie. Is your hair big enough yet?
Me: Oh hush, and for the record, this is not Jersey Shore hair. This is Southern hair. Big difference.
 I am a Southern belle.

That is a title I was born into, live up to daily, and am very proud of.

Darling Hubby just doesn’t understand. He really, really doesn’t.
 The funny thing is, most people don’t get it either.

Sure, just about everyone knows the stereotype of being Southern, but with that stereotype comes the stigma of being backwoods, or a redneck. It just isn’t so anymore.

There is a new breed of Southern women; a strong, proud, sassy, and modern version, if you will.

The women that raised me, the girls I grew up with…never once did I see a single one of them faint onto a chaise lounge.

Truth be told, they were about as dainty and fragile as a Mac truck.

That being said, I think it is necessary to divulge a bit of the wisdom, and a few of the sayings that have been passed down to me from some of my favorite, modern Southern belles.
  • Tease it to Jesus!” Because big hair is the norm in the South.
  • Put some color on, you look like death!” Wearing lipstick is something my Momma swears by.
  • A real man will always hold the door.” It isn’t that we aren’t capable of doing it for ourselves, it is merely a sign of respect.
  • Everything you need to know about anything and anyone can be gathered from your beautician, the grocery store, or your momma’s house.” Because we do love to gossip.
  • “You have three things that not every girl has: a winning smile, clean skin, and a sweet Southern draw.”
I would just love to hear any stories or sayings that y’all heard growing up…share them with me?

Till Then…


Honey said...

My Dearest,
MY Momma (Nanaw) told me the same thing, "you're pale, go put on some lipstick!" So that's where I got that. Your great-great aunts were wonderful examples also of strong, tough women who were "women"! They dress and speak beautifully, and soooo.....we should too!!
i love you sweet girl!

Honey said...

My Dearest,
MY Momma (Nanaw) told me the same thing, "you're pale, go put on some lipstick!" So that's where I got that. Your great-great aunts were wonderful examples also of strong, tough women who were "women"! They dress and speak beautifully, and soooo.....we should too!!
i love you sweet girl!

Honey said...
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Darla MeLisa said...

My sweet mother is just a fountain of wisdom... Here are just a few... Paint covers a mulitude of sin.. Action speaks louder than words. Pretty is as pretty does.. ( that one didnt stick ) and the one i hear screaming in my head everytime i use a public restroom..
Squat, dont sit!!!!
Only a few from my mom..

Darling. said...

I just love those!
Thanks for sharing with us. :)